If you got a film off the ground...

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Joined: Mon Jun 28, 2004 10:52 pm
Real name: Marty Hamrick
Location: Windsor, Ontario

If you got a film off the ground...

Post by jaxshooter »

Tell me how you did it.I posted a thread inquiring as to how some films got financed and no one seemed to be interested or no one had a clue.If you completed a film,sold it and made a return off of your investment,I want to hear your story.I have questions.

How did you get it financed?What was your budget?How did you manage to work around everyone's schedules(I'm assuming of course that you're working with people who aren't full time actors,camera people,techs,etc)?How did you keep these people interested?I've seen projects start with 50 people and end up with 4.Kind of like when you're moving,you can get a dozen people to volunteer to help you,but when it's moving day,you're lucky if one shows up.Did you stay on budget?How did you sell the film?

I'll have more questions later as this thread progresses,if it progresses that is.
Marty Hamrick


Windsor, Ontario
Posts: 357
Joined: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:17 pm
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Post by Alex_W »

i had three actors, two of which are in a cabaret group together, so they had similar schedules. I had one very trusty assistent and all time friend who was also driver and occasional focus puller. He's writing his final thesis at the moment, so he had some time. The only problem i had was when we were supposed to be shooting on friday, and i got a call from the main character on thursday night saying he hadn't been able to find a girl to act in the final scene. I knew another girl who acts occasionally and luckily she didn't have anything to do the next day and wanted to help me out.
As far as keeping them interested, i just ordered them be 110% concentrated ;)
I paid for everything with some money i saved up and my trusty and all time friend the creditcard. I didn't have a budget, i just paid for everything i needed. Total spending, including camera service was around 2200 euros, or 2600 dollars. Stock, process and scanning was the most expensive.
Only the actors were the pro's. It was just all a matter of having fun and doing something worthwhile.
I didn't sell it yet though :)

edit: ok, so now i realize i've sort of mistaken the whole 'off the ground' part for something else. I'm sorry, me stupid foreigner.
We'll knock back a few, and talk about life, and what is right
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