A few new experimental films

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Re: A few new experimental films

Post by Grey_Dawn_Breaking »

inlieubeaulieu wrote:Just thought that I'd share the completed version of Spatial (now with a mind-melting color ending shot on Ektachrome 100D w/RGB filters)
Bravo! Really loved these.
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Re: A few new experimental films

Post by inlieubeaulieu »

a new part of the "water cycle", Panspermia is "out" (haha, the idea of a release date is so absurd with a youtube vid): https://youtu.be/OfkKWdajnDM
the first half shot with a Beaulieu Reflex Control (16mm), the second half with a Beaulieu 5008s Multispeed (in some shots fitted w/ an angenieux 12-120mm zoom)

I've been working on a script for a bigger-project lately, and my Beaulieu 5008s's light-meter has ceased functioning, so visual imaging is on a hold (and I got a bunch of new lenses that need servicing)... hoping to get one of the new Kodak S8 cameras before picking up production!
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Re: A few new experimental films

Post by inlieubeaulieu »

and another new one, misfire: https://youtu.be/GREU15t5aGQ
this one with actual actors (well, one at least), shot Super 16mm on Double-X Negative with an Aaton XTRprod and a glidecam (steadicam knockoff). It was originally a part of an 'exquisite corpse' project, and was shot on old film from my fridge. A tribute to a favorite filmmaker, Béla Tarr.
watch it 1080p, obviously (I wish youtube did 2k!) as youtube is very bad with film grain at lower resolutions
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Nicholas Kovats
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Re: A few new experimental films

Post by Nicholas Kovats »

Beautiful tracking shot. Well done. It did invoke Tarr. I like how the actress drops the cigarette but the track continues with the male actor. Bravo! Gorgeous b/w stock. Orwo?
inlieubeaulieu wrote:and another new one, misfire: <a class="vglnk" href="https://youtu.be/GREU15t5aGQ" rel="nofollow"><span>https</span><span>://</span><span>youtu</span><span>.</span><span>be</span><span>/</span><span>GREU15t5aGQ</span></a>
this one with actual actors (well, one at least), shot Super 16mm on Double-X Negative with an Aaton XTRprod and a glidecam (steadicam knockoff). It was originally a part of an 'exquisite corpse' project, and was shot on old film from my fridge. A tribute to a favorite filmmaker, Béla Tarr.
watch it 1080p, obviously (I wish youtube did 2k!) as youtube is very bad with film grain at lower resolutions
Nicholas Kovats
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Re: A few new experimental films

Post by inlieubeaulieu »

thanks! I shot it on Kodak Double-X Negative (did 9 takes on a single, 12 year old, 400ft roll). It's also my first time operating a steadicam, so it's not quite as smooth as Tarr's would be... but maybe someday I'll get there
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