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by Superbus_
Sun May 21, 2017 9:56 am
Forum: Film projects
Topic: Another Pass the cart project?
Replies: 6
Views: 114826

Re: Another Pass the cart project?

I am interested in taking part of this initiation again. I took part in the original one and the second one as well. I think the final film was interesting I loved it, especially because Tabby contributed a great audio work, so finally it was a good film and a funny idea to be done.

Well, I am ...
by Superbus_
Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:10 pm
Forum: Small gauge film forum
Topic: Nizo Electric 8mm camera
Replies: 0
Views: 3066

Nizo Electric 8mm camera

Recently I've bought a Nizo Electric standard 8mm camera. A very nice and simple construction and it was made forever.
I was just thinking about this very cool camera and interested in the designer.
Could it be Dieter Rams?
At that time he designed numerous objects including electric machines for ...
by Superbus_
Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:32 pm
Forum: In memory of ...
Topic: Flatwood (Tabby Crabb) Passing?
Replies: 17
Views: 85083

Re: Flatwood (Tabby Crabb) Passing?

I've found this article, with more details about Tabby's life: ... cal-legend
by Superbus_
Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:08 pm
Forum: In memory of ...
Topic: Flatwood (Tabby Crabb) Passing?
Replies: 17
Views: 85083

Re: Flatwood (Tabby Crabb) Passing?

Very sad. He was a great musician and was very active and a key figure in our projects as a filmmaker. I think he was a very open and creative person too.

We miss you Tabby.

by Superbus_
Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:20 pm
Forum: Film projects
Topic: 8mm black and white film project
Replies: 57
Views: 198573

Re: 8mm black and white film project

Firstly i have to apoligize to all of you that I was out of this forum for a longer period. To be honestly my footage was not succesful and I had other important activities to do, especially my long and boring :) Phd studies (no i'm still not at the end of it but very near).
I even forgot my ...
by Superbus_
Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:28 pm
Forum: Film projects
Topic: 8mm black and white film project
Replies: 57
Views: 198573

Re: 8mm black and white film project

Merry Christmas to all of you!
by Superbus_
Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:33 pm
Forum: Small gauge film forum
Topic: PTC 1. The next step.
Replies: 249
Views: 251798

Re: PTC 1. The next step.

Just finish the project, please!
I'm really interested in it. I filmed a garden called the Philosopher's Garden with statues of the great religion founders (Jezus, Buddha...) and philosophers. Later, in 2007 two or three of the statues were stealed. The authorities and police still not able to find ...
by Superbus_
Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:01 pm
Forum: Film projects
Topic: 8mm black and white film project
Replies: 57
Views: 198573

Re: 8mm black and white film project

Charlie and Alex, great films! Both of you have done nice work. It's like a time machine and I think we can start to think about the music of the final film. My idea to choose different music for the different parts of the final film and all of the contributors can have their own choice. On the ...
by Superbus_
Sat Oct 10, 2009 12:45 pm
Forum: Film projects
Topic: 8mm black and white film project
Replies: 57
Views: 198573

Re: 8mm black and white film project

Well, I'm still not ready yet, it's a shame but I had to cope to coordinate with my work and family together like always bla bla bla :)
Now I planning to do it as quick as I can. I've changed my mine this place will be filmed:

I think vimeo could be a ...
by Superbus_
Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:41 pm
Forum: Film projects
Topic: 8mm black and white film project
Replies: 57
Views: 198573

Re: 8mm black and white film project

Charlie and Ric you are almost ready, congratulations!

No, there is no deadline.
I will film my part in September when the Orient express will come to Budapest. On the other hand I'm not sure that I can make what I decided - a lot of other people invading the train too, so i also have a B plan too ...
by Superbus_
Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:34 pm
Forum: Film projects
Topic: 8mm black and white film project
Replies: 57
Views: 198573

Re: 8mm black and white film project

All participants are welcomed here!

My first ideas was just to start and do it, because all the other projects are related to super 8, so we can make a different one, especially because of the other rule: black and white.

The list of participants:
Charlie Blackfield,

Another ...
by Superbus_
Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:53 pm
Forum: Film projects
Topic: 8mm black and white film project
Replies: 57
Views: 198573

Re: 8mm black and white film project

We can change the rules but hey, are there abyone who use 8mm film?

It's cheap you can just feed your bolex or any type of 8mm camera and start filming.
by Superbus_
Sun May 31, 2009 8:08 pm
Forum: Film projects
Topic: Proposal
Replies: 4
Views: 30412

Re: Proposal

Count me in. Great idea. What kind of film will be used?
by Superbus_
Wed May 20, 2009 7:45 pm
Forum: Film projects
Topic: 8mm black and white film project
Replies: 57
Views: 198573

8mm black and white film project

I just thinking about an 8mm project with black and white film. I have different 8mm cameras but we had projects only limited for super 8 cameras. What about the older format?

My rules (you can add your ideas or veto mines!):
3 - 5 minutes film
black and white
the subject of the film has to be ...
by Superbus_
Wed May 20, 2009 7:39 pm
Forum: Film projects
Topic: Pass the Cart
Replies: 6
Views: 32525

Re: Pass the Cart

I agree with lastcoyote. Too many carts,too many problem. I've filmed my 30 seconds back in 2006 and the next one last year for the second round. Pass the cart 2 is almost finished according to my information - at least my part is done and developed, digitalized. So, I'm positive finally we will be ...